Luau Hawaiian Party

A great luau party is all about good green jungle and safari environment with food, relaxing luau music, and themed luau party decoration, Hawaiian balloons, games and Hawaiian activities to be shared with family and friends at Lahore, Islamabad, and Sialkot almost all over Pakistan. If you’re hosting Luau Hawaiian Party in a small indoor luau party at your garden in the hot summer season or a big backyard summer luau birthday event, Tulips will gives you the complete Hawaiian themed birthday party ideas and planning of luau party supplies and luau decorations to help you create an exotic and affordable tropical ambiance.

We can set the party in motion with our custom luau Free invitations. Deck the party setting with our, fairy lights, water pools, artificial leafs and safari Hawaii environment, floral paper lanterns, hanging luau decorations, the cutouts and shapes, sweet slippers, tropical fish balloons, and colorful luau table decorations with frill and streamers.


For Bookings:

+92 321 4355789

+92 333 4355789

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